Thursday, April 17, 2014


Former Clerk of Courts Stephen Lukach
The Republican & Herald reports: Schuylkill County Clerk of Courts Stephen M. Lukach Jr. officially resigned Thursday, thereby ending a 27-year tenure in his office under the cloud of an investigation into alleged misappropriation of money.
First Assistant District Attorney Maria T. Casey said Lukach has mailed his letter of resignation to Gov. Tom Corbett.
“I confirmed ... that Mr. Lukach has sent a letter to the governor,” Casey said. “The county commissioners will get a copy.”

Full Story: 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Former ally Hank Clarke distances himself from the Schuylkill County Patriots

Editorial note:  In the interest of truth and transparency, it must be noted that Hank Clarke is the solicitor for his mother-in-law, Theresa Santai Gaffney.

Dear Truth Squad,

I was dismayed to be informed that your blog, which I only discovered today, has linked me to a series of emails sent by the Schuylkill County Patriots over the past few weeks, specifically, the email entitled "District Attorney Avenger", regarding Christine Holman. Although you claim to be a truth seeker, at no time did you ever attempt to contact me and inquire as to whether I am in any way associated with the Schuylkill County Patriots or that email. Yet, you found fit to mention me in your inaugural post as one of the authors.

Since you keep your identity a secret, I cannot say for certain, but I assume that you are or have been involved in Schuylkill County Republican Party politics long enough to know who I am, what my history is, and what my current involvement in politics are. If I am mistaken, please let me summarize: I entered local politics seven (7) years ago by authoring a self-titled blog (The Clarke Report) similar to yours. I became infamous within the party for exposing "inside baseball" and making public that which had only existed in smoke filled back rooms. In doing so, I made many enemies, but also quite a few friends. In all of my time doing the Clarke Report, posting on internet message boards, and writing letters to the editor, I ALWAYS signed my name to my words. I have never been anonymous. I don't talk behind people's back. I say what I feel to people's faces and/or I publish my works under my own name. Even those who despise me will admit that. 

About a year ago, I left the world of politics and resigned my position within the GOP. Since that time, I have remained outside any spheres of influence. I don't attend political fundraisers or functions, unless Theresa Gaffney, our Republican County Register of Wills, drags me there. I maintain friendships with some individuals who remain embedded in the political culture and I remain informed about the local goings-on, but I do not participate in anything, sometimes to my own detriment. That is why I am shocked to discover that you and other individuals have been using my name in connection with both the Patriots' emails and this website. 

For the record, I did NOT write, collaborate, inspire, or in any way participate in the publication of the the emails sent out by the Schuylkill County Patriots. I do not know who the author is. I have attended a few of the Patriots meetings, as I believe they put on informative presentations on certain topics, but am in no way associated with the emails. Christine Holman is a friend of mine. I helped her with research and speechwriting on her first campaign for DA and gave her my full throated support in the last campaign. Unfortunately, because of your website and the gossip mill within the party, I had to take time out of my day to meet with her today and convince her that I had nothing to do with it. I don't have many friends, especially in politics, so I would like to keep the ones I have. 

Therefore, I would appreciate if you would remove my name from your inaugural post and print this email in your mailbag, so that I may go back to the business of offering exceptional legal services, coaching my kids' sports teams, and enjoying my life outside of the cesspool of Schuylkill County politics. In the future, if you have a question as to whether I authored something you can either look for my signature at the bottom of the page or please feel free to contact me directly.

Hank J. Clarke, Esquire

Law Office of Hank J. Clarke, LLC
102 One Norwegian Plaza
Pottsville, PA 17901

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Cheers & Jeers- April 12, 2014

Cheers to Schuylkill County District Attorney Christine Holman and Controller Christy Joy
For releasing new information on our county's latest scandal which led corrupt Clerk of Courts Steve Lukach to resign from office

Cheers to the Schuylkill County Commissioners  
They held their first evening meeting which led to a well attended public meeting.

Jeers to Schuylkill County Commissioner and Prison Board Chairman George Halcovage
Chairman Halcovage announced this week that there will be no changes in the prison, in light of the inquest by the county coroner and DA's office

Jeers to Blue Mountain School Board 
For applying to the state Dept. of Education for  an exception allowing them to raise property taxes above the limit allowed by law.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Clerk of Courts Steve Lukach announced his resignation earlier today.
The Republican & Herald reports that Clerk of Courts Steve Lukach has delivered his letter of resignation that will be effective as of next Thursday.

Compliments to County Controller Christy Joy who discovered the misappropriation of funds during an audit.  THANK YOU Controller Joy for protecting our wallets!!

More to follow....

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

From the Mailbag- April 8, 2014

From: Ron/Jen Boltz<>
Date: Friday, April 4, 2014
Subject: Cheers & Jeers- April 4th
To: Schuylkill County Truth Squad <>

Cheers indeed for our commissioners for their position on paycheck protection.  Could you please send more details regarding their support for this important issue so I can congratulate them and show my appreciation the next time I see them?

Unfortunately, paycheck protection and/or right to work cannot become a reality through the county commissioners' office.  We need our fellow Republicans in the House and Senate to support this.  With complete control of state government, we obviously have some Republicans who feel this is not important, probably due to their accepting union money.  Perhaps a thumbs down is in order for them, along with our Republican leadership for not pushing this issue. 

Why is our governor not taking the lead on this issue?  Where is Pileggi?  Scarnati?  How about Turzai and Smith over on the House side?  Are any of them on board?  Maybe they are and I'm just not hearing them speak loudly enough on the issue.

Ron Boltz

Friday, April 4, 2014

Cheers & Jeers- April 4, 2014

Cheers to Schuylkill County VISION

We are a bit late recognizing all the hard work they put in to the recently held 2nd Annual Schuylkill County Youth Summit.  Job well done folks!

Cheers to the Schuylkill County Commissioners

The commissioners held firm on their support for paycheck protection in spite of the strong arm tactics of former state Rep. Tim Seip.   With this grandstanding effort, do we sense a possible commissioner run by Tim?

Cheers to Matt Dudish

We wish Matt the best as he continues to recover from lung transplant surgery.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Cheers and Jeers to Dr. David Moylan

Good job on calling for a coroners inquest to investigate the death of a inmate at the Schuylkill County Prison.  The inquest resulted in a call for some policy changes at the prison.
Unfortunately, we must also give Doc a thumbs down.  We are calling on him to unload his Democrat solicitor, Eric Mika and bring a Republican lawyer on board.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

From the Mailbag

Editor's Note: 

As our name implies, the members of the Schuylkill Truth Squad are committed to accurately sharing facts with our readers.  With this in mind, it is imperative that we point out the mistruths and wild speculations in Mr. Zellner's letter below.  We also must ask that anyone responding to our posts, please refrain from name calling and childish behavior and stick to the facts.


Very Nice, Schuylkill County Hit Squad, Still not enough Honor or Courage to sign your name to your words.  Its easy to speak with anonymity, hiding behind the keyboard, wires, and the ones and zeros of the internet to voice your opinion and attacks, valid or otherwise.
That is not courage of conviction.  That is pusillanimity on full display.
Lets take your three of your first four post to task...

Rep. Knowles Unchallenged in Primary and General election, you celebrate that as a great thing.  For Rep. Knowles is it, but is it for the people?  Does any unchallenged seat benefit the people?  I say no.  Again spirit of competition.  A challenger for any political seat causes the current occupant to be more accountable to the people and not become complacent, it is the next best thing to Term limits.

You seem to be taking a bit too much joy in a fellow republicans "misfortune".  I will say if Mr. Burton is guilty of something he should be held accountable just as anyone else, but not more than anyone else.  With out having been there, the whole thing seems shady to me.  I happen to know many State Troopers (not necessarily these Troopers) and the are men of honor (a foreign concept to you I know) and not prone to mistakes.  District Justice Ferrier recused himself from hearing the refiled charges, yet Holman publicly attacked him, and did not recuse herself despite her husbands connection to Senator Argall and Rep Knowles.  Does this mean there is something shady?  Not necessarily, but there is the "Appearance of Impropriety" 

Again, your personal bias shines bright like a diamond.  If Mr. Lukach did wrong, he should pay just like everyone else, and i say Kudos to Cristy Joy for finding the issues.  But again, there is the "Appearance of Impropriety" when the only elected Democrat in the courthouse, who has been in office for many years because he is wildly popular and has had no major issues in the past, all of the sudden has major issues in his office?  I believe that is what was stated, that was my take away.  I guess you take away what you WANT to take away, depending on your bias.

SO what is the take away here?  While you were upset about "sour grapes" that these were just attacks on Holman and The Beauty King of Schuylkill county (Schoenman's), you are guilty of the same thing, all you seem to be doing it attacking the Conservatives of Schuylkill County and specifially Mr. Sterns who just happens to be very vocal in his beliefs.  I would assume, I too will be a target soon because, I dare speak out.   After all HOW DARE anyone challenge the Establishment Republican Party right.

Michael Zellner Jr.
Again Proudly Signed with my Real Name.


Mr. Zellner doesn't hesitate to take a shot at Rep. Knowles for running unopposed, but yet he fails to mention that Patriot committeeman candidates in Pottsville who faced opposition had friends file court challenges to have their opponents removed.  We guess it's only a threat to the spirit of competition when the shoe is on the other foot.

As for the sad situation of Jamie Barton, again Mr. Zellner is carelessly throwing accusations and allegations without anything to back them up.  All we ask is that everyone wait for the TRUE story and the facts. 

Finally, we strongly suggest that Mr. Zellner do some homework in regard to the Steve Lukach matter.  Controller Christy Joy has been auditing other offices in the Courthouse - not just the Clerk of Courts.  It's part of his job - there is no witch hunt on Democrats - only a hard working Republican doing his job.  When the last Republican to hold that office, Gary Hornberger, last audited this same office, improprieties were found at that time as well - not the pretty picture  of  Steve that Mr. Zellner is painting.  Of course, nothing has happened in the last few years because the Controller's office was held by an incompetent Democrat, Melinda Kantner, and the DA's office was also held by Democrats Jim Goodman and Karen Noon during this time.  Yet again, RINO Mike Zellner is spending more time attacking Republicans who are trying to clean up this mess instead of questioning why the previous Democrat controller and DA didn't do their jobs.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Who Is the Schuylkill County Truth Squad?

The Schuylkill County Truth Squad is a group of freedom fighters that assemble to spread truth and justice via knowledge and insight.  The purpose of the group is to represent the best interests of the Republican Party, and to defend the party (and its supporters) from attack, defamation, mischaracterizations, and malpractice of office.  The group will hold people accountable for the decisions they make, when those decisions do not advance the cause of the Republican Party. As such, it will point out decisions that are contrary to the best interests of governing as the Republican party, and will share any examples of misinformation, oversight, omission of facts, and other relevant data on the people and places that are relevant to the Republican Party’s mission.  The Truth Squad is sure to irritate nearly everyone at some point, but the facts will speak for themselves.  To avoid the wrath of writings from the Truth Squad, people should at all times  advance the cause of the Republican Party.  Party officials, office holders, donors, people of influence and others are all potential targets whose words and actions will be monitored and analyzed.  Current news items will also be of interest to the truth squad, and may be subject matter for our talented writer(s). 
Thank you for following the trials and tribulations of our truth finders!  

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Cheers & Jeers- March 28, 2014

Cheers to Jerry Knowles - R-124

Jerry is riding high after his primary challenger, Jamie Barton, withdrew from the race, leaving Jerry uncontested in both the primary and general elections.

Cheers and Jeers to Jamie Barton

Overall, not a good week for Jamie, who saw his candidacy for the 124th House seat come to a crashing halt - literally.  However, Jamie had the good sense to withdraw from the race to concentrate on his legal problems stemming from DUI charges.

Cheers to Controller Christy Joy and DA Christine Holman

Christy and Christine get a huge thumbs up for their efforts to uncover gross mismanagement in the courthouse as part of the ongoing investigation of Democrat Clerk of Courts, Steve Lukach.

Cheers to the Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber hosted a county commissioners round table at the Schuylkill Country Club with a nice turnout this week.  Kudos to them for their efforts to keep people informed.

Jeers to the Schuylkill County Patriots

This group went on record this week defending Democrat Clerk of Courts Steve Lukach, who is being investigated by not only state and local authorities, but the FBI for gross mismanagement and corruption in office.

Inaugural Post

Some of you may have been reading the litany of emails being put out recently by the so called Schuylkill County Patriots (formerly known as the County Conservatives).  You know, the group supported by the likes of Joe Sterns, Larry Padora, and Hank Clarke.  

In the last email, they claim that the recent scandal in the County Clerk of Courts office, instead of being the sole corruption of Steve Lukach, is some how an orchestrated hit-job by District Attorney Holman and Controller Christy Joy to exact political revenge.  Instead of realizing that Steve Lukach has been involved in corruption and mismanagement of his office, Joe defends the office holder and bashes our own members!  Take a look back at the Clerk of Courts audits done by the county and state for many years, and you will see just how mismanaged the office is.  You can view the full report here:

Then, to top it all off, Mr. Sterns drags Frank Schoeneman into his argument.  Wonder why?  Sour grapes.  Could it be possible that Joe is angry that Frank did not support his buddy, Larry Padora for County Commissioner?  Yes, the "County Patriots" claim to be holding our officials accountable, but really what they seek to do is win elections by spreading lies and harming our own party. But they can't even do that.  They lose elections at overwhelming rates and they drag their own names in the mud.  

Apparently, that wasn’t enough and now the group had to continue to spread lies about allegations concerning Kyle Heffner, a young man seeking a seat on the Republican State committee.  Thankfully, Mr. Heffner put a stop to these outrageous lies in an email released Sunday evening (which you may see below).  Hats off to Mr. Heffner for putting a stop to the outrage of mistruths by this group. Candidates like Mr. Heffner would like to see the party come together as a whole and actually get along.  

You are right about one thing however, Joe, the taxpayers deserve better.  So please, stop working against your own party and defending corrupt career politicians.

Controller Joy, keep up the good work!